Love the scrub? How much do you really know about the secrets behind your sponge?

Love the scrub? How much do you really know about the secrets behind your sponge?

There’s something perfectly pampering about unwinding under a hot shower with a loofah and your favorite body wash. Not only can these spongey wonders can make you feel like a million bucks, but they also have multiple health benefits that are as good to your skin as they are from within.


Love for the Scrub

Loofah extracts come from the loofah plant (Luffa cylindrica) - also commonly known as "patola" here in the Philippines - and are often used as a natural exfoliant to slough dead skin cells off the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. Regular exfoliation helps keep skin from looking dull by leaving it soft, smooth, and prepped for moisturization.

Another benefit of exfoliating with loofah is that it helps improve blood circulation by stimulating blood flow with its gentle scrubbing action. Partner that with the high temperature of a hot shower and you’ll allow oxygen to flow more smoothly throughout the body for the ultimate relaxation experience.


Naturally Polished

To reap the natural benefits of loofah from head to toe, our brilliant product development team thought to incorporate natural loofah extracts into our favorite exfoliating products! 

Our Vanilla Exfoliating Bar is a light and refreshing all-around body bar that deeply cleanses while invigorating skin. It also contains natural glycerin so it is non-drying and keeps skin hydrated. For best results, we recommend using it every other day, alternating it with your favorite scented soap or body wash.

To complete your head-to-toe pampering experience, you can also enjoy our Balancing Facial Wash, made for oily or combination skin. It’s infused with loofah extracts to gently exfoliate clogged dirt and trapped oil without stripping your face of its natural moisture barrier, revealing cleaner and healthier skin!

These products provide the same effective yet gentle exfoliation action as loofah sponges do, but since they’re rinsed off, there isn’t anything left for bacteria to breed in. Bonus: Loofah extracts are biodegradable, so you won’t have to worry about them harming the Earth after they go down the drain!

So treat yourself to a spa-at-home day and show your skin some love today!


Health Benefits of Scrubbing With a Loofah
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