It's a headache whenever ants infiltrate your home and make a picnic out of your kitchen table, but it doesn't mean you need to resort to harsh chemicals to repel these unwanted household pets. Here are three easy ways to rid your home of ants sans harsh, synthetic sprays:

Clean up the crumbs


Photo by Sofiya Levchenko (

Make it a habit to always clean up after spills, store the food in secure containers, wash the dishes and empty out the trash right away. Not waiting overnight (or worse, for the weekend) to do all of these things is an effective way of controlling many pest problems. Plus it makes your kitchen a lot nicer to hang out in!



Go to the source


Photo by kazuend (

Follow the ants' trail to find the general area of their nest. Once you've found the source, seal up whatever crevice their colony is using to get in your house.



Throw them off the scent


The best offense is a good defense! Repel ants the safe and natural way by adding to 2-3 drops of Human Nature Natural Peppermint Oil in surfaces ants frequently visit like your countertops, windowsills and doorways.