If you've worked at an office through a flu season, you already know how fast the virus can spread: one officemate starts coughing and sneezing, and the next thing you know, everyone in the whole team is at different stages of the flu.

But here's a secret: if you play your cards right, you just might skip the head-aching, throat-itching stress altogether. It's as easy as keeping your hands and your workplace regularly sanitized, and you only need two things for that – your hand soap and your hand sanitizer.

Washing your hands before eating or right after going to the bathroom is already common knowledge (and hopefully, common practice as well!). But here are three more not-often observed moments in the office when you need to wash your hands or need a few spritzes of your sanitizer:


1. As soon as you get to your desk


(Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash)


This is especially crucial if you commute. Viruses on surfaces like door handles and railings can spread rapidly, especially in public places like the bus and MRT. Lower your risk of catching a cold from these places – and consequently spreading it to your team – by washing your hands as soon as you come in to the office.

Tip: Make it a habit to clean your workspace, too, before you officially start with your work. Wipe your desk and mouse (and maybe even your phone, too!) with a tissue spritzed with your hand sanitizer.


2. Before doing your makeup


(Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash)


If you have to wake up especially early to get to work (or know you would get more than a little sweaty on the way to the office), sometimes you'll have to put on your makeup after you've arrived at wherever you need to be.

Germs usually transfer to hands from surfaces you've touched like those in public spaces. Your powder compact and brush may be relatively clean ... until you touch them. Plus, touching your mouth, nose or near your eyes can be just the chance the flu virus needs to enter your system. So make sure you spray before you pretty up! 


3. After a meeting, handling money, or using the elevator or the stairs


(Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash)


Did you just shake hands with whomever you had a meeting with? Or handed over cash for your lunch? Or pressed buttons on the elevator or used the stairs to get wherever you needed to be?

They seem like just part of your everyday routine but these can be germ hotspots that may increase your risk of catching the dreaded flu. Make it a habit to wash your hands afterwards, or at the very least put in a few spritzes of your sanitizer.


But why does washing our hands work so well in preventing the flu?

Turns out, according to a study, human hands harbor more harmful bacteria than public surfaces, and yes, that includes escalator handrails and park benches. This is mostly because our hands are the ones that get the most contact with public surfaces AND our mouths, the main gateway for germs to get into our system.

And really, the only  way for us to significantly lower our risk is through regular and thorough hand washing and sanitization. Scientific studies show that use of non-antibacterial soap plus hand hygiene education can reduce respiratory illnesses by 51%!*

Bonus Info:

Our Natural Hand Soaps are formulated with natural cleansers to keep hands clean without stripping off moisture from your skin - even with frequent washing.

Our All-Natural Sanitizer kills 99.99% of germs** and protects skin from dryness with aloe vera.

*Allison E. Aiello, PhD, et al. (2008) Effect of Hand Hygiene on Infectious Disease Risk in the Community Setting: A Meta-Analysis. Retrieved June 9, 2017 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2446461/

*Test based on in-vitro analysis conducted by third-party laboratory