
Got your feet wet on your way back home?

Stagnant rain water is prime breeding ground for skin diseases and infections. Avoid these by getting your feet properly cleaned and dry as soon as you get home:


Step 1: Properly wash your feet with soap. Be extra thorough with the skin in between your toes, the soles of your feet and around your toenails.


Step 2: Dry your feet with a clean towel and then spritz them with Deodorizing Foot Spray. A few pumps will remove any remaining smell from the rain water and at the same time give your feet proper moisturization.


Step 3: Lastly, before going to bed, slather Hand & Foot Salve on your feet and then wear thick warm socks. This will help further prevent dry, cracked skin and keep your feet rejuvenated overnight. 

Follow these three simple steps and your feet will surely stay clean and worry-free even with unexpected downpours!