World Economic Forum on East Asia in Bangkok, Thailand, 30 May -1 June 2012

World Economic Forum on East Asia in Bangkok, Thailand, 30 May -1 June 2012

World Economic Forum on East Asia
Bangkok, Thailand | 30 May -1 June 2012

This year’s World Economic Forum held in Bangkok, Thailand brought together 600 leaders, policy makers, society’s movers and shakers from 50 different countries. Human Nature founders, Anna Meloto-Wilk and Dylan Wilk, were among the few delegates representing the Philippines and the social enterprise sector.

In this two-day event, delegates gathered to discuss regional cooperation and East Asia’s economic outlook with the theme of "Shaping the Region’s Future through Connectivity." The Forum focused on critical issues such as ways to finance the ASEAN future, the role of women in Asia’s long-term growth, pioneering new models for networking among Asian countries, and cultural values that play a big part in businesses and communities in the region.

One other highlight of the forum was the discussion tackling the alleviation and escape from poverty. Several organizations brought forth their proposed approach to poverty: understanding the poor, exploring the role of the private sector, and ensuring that development programmes are scalable.

What inspired Dylan and Anna the most though were not the academic solutions put forward, but how PATRIOTISM lifted other countries out of calamity and poverty. Several Asian nations have recently proven that a practical love for country shown by supporting one’s own products and commodities CAN solve the problem. They were encouraged to learn that in Thailand, stores are required by law to allot 20% of their shelf space to locally-sourced products! Definitely a positive practice that the Philippines can emulate to help catapult local brands into being globally competitive.

The forum served as an affirmation that Human Nature’s business model is on the right track. Along with the few but passionate social entrepreneurs at the forum with their own small-scale businesses and large-scale goals, for us sustainable growth is now more than a goal -- IT IS REALITY. It’s not just about making a nice product; it's the idea that your own brand can be just as good or even better than international brands. It's when we open our eyes to the big picture that we realize how significant our role is in setting an example to future generations of social enterprises.

Yes, development programmes from the grassroots are of great importance. Perhaps changing the Filipino attitude towards poverty and the practice of good values can make a big difference. But what really is the secret ingredient to getting out of our country's helpless rut of poverty? The answer, according to Anna, is “LOVE FOR COUNTRY”. Progress follows patriotism. At the end of the day, we come to realize that all we ever truly need is love.

Now, it’s your turn to share and spread the love!

How about you? What can you do today to show your love for country?