Looking for an unconventional way to celebrate V-Day? Try these themed DIY Felt Fortune Cookies!

Looking for an unconventional way to celebrate V-Day? Try these themed DIY Felt Fortune Cookies!

It's February once again! Looking for an unconventional way to celebrate your Valentine's Day?  Add a creative touch to the season with these personalized DIY Felt Fortune Cookies!

What you'll need:

  • Fabric sheers
  • Colored felt (red & pink)
  • Ribbon
  • Wire cutters
  • Floral wire
  • Craft glue
  • Strips of paper
  • Candies

What to do:

1. Cut a 4 1/2-inch-diameter circle from a piece of felt using fabric shears.
2. Cut a piece of matching ribbon slightly shorter than 4 1/2 inches.
3. Cut a piece of floral wire slightly shorter than the length of ribbon using wire cutters.
4. Using craft glue, affix the wire to the middle of the felt circle.
5. Glue ribbon on top, covering the wire. Allow to dry for 30 minutes.
6. Fold the felt circle in half, using the wire as a guide, so the ribbon is inside cookie.
7. Angle the sides toward each other, bending the wire at its halfway point and forming the shape of a fortune cookie.
8. To assemble the fortune cookie, carefully peel back one flap of the felt cookie.
9. Insert a paper fortune and a few candies. Fold the flap back over to close cookie around contents.

Sneak in a few messages of love, friendship, inspirational quotes, philosophical insights - what have you! Plus it's not only fitting for Valentines - it's perfect for Chinese New Year, too! You'll never know what your fortune may bring you ;)

Image & Idea Source: Martha Stewart Online