So we’re all used to that soft, smooth, silky feel. You know, the one you feel when slathering on a luxurious hand and body cream or using the latest cosmetics breakthrough product that promises a youthful, flawless look. But do you know where all the silky soft smoothness comes from? FEEL MODIFIERS.

While the word ‘feel modifiers’ may not sound scary, it’s actually the meaning of it that is. Feel modifiers is a term used for petroleum by-product ingredients usually ending in “—one” like silicone, dimethicone, etc., and are used in most cosmetics products, leave-on skin care and hair care products as well as other personal care products to make a surface feel soft, smooth and silky. But did you know that they’re also used in the same stuff that runs your car? Yeah, great, huh? Not.

So how do these feel modifiers work? They sit in a layer on top of your skin keeping the moisture in but at the same time, clogging your pores and trapping in sebum, dirt and bacteria, thus causing breakouts and allergic reactions. It’s like applying a layer of plastic wrap all over your body, suffocating it and not allowing your skin to breath. Just the thought of wrapping the entire body and face in plastic is a tad disconcerting and not at all appealing.
What’s even more disturbing is that according to the Environmental Working Group, there is insufficient toxicity data to know if dimethicone and silicones are safe to use in cosmetics and personal care product. Hmmmm... if that’s the case, why use them at all then?

Not only are feel modifiers dangerous but they also pose a danger to the environment as most are non-biodegradable. Once washed down the drains, they go through our waterways and into our rivers, streams and oceans thus harming aquamarine life!

Good thing we’ve come up with products free from feel modifiers! Experience nothing but only the good in every bottle of Human Nature product such as the 100% Natural Lotion and Hand & Foot Salve.