Read up on how you can stay fresh, cool, and confident throughout your red days.

Read up on how you can stay fresh, cool, and confident throughout your red days.

From lady days to the crimson wave, while we may have all kinds of names for “that time of the month,” we know that having our monthly period is perfectly natural and healthy.


But sometimes, your monthly visitor can bring along a few unwanted guests: the stuffy feeling, the constant need to change sanitary products, and sometimes even itchiness, irritation, and odor. Thankfully, your red days don’t have to get in the way of staying cool, fresh, and confident.


Let nature bestow the special protection you deserve with Human Nature’s Natural Feminine Wash Protection for Red Days. It is the only intimate wash that naturally cleanses, deodorizes, and soothes to bring comfort and confidence when you need it most. It contains antibacterial tea tree oil to inhibit bacterial growth and prevent infection. Plus its soothing aloe vera helps relieve discomfort and irritation, most especially discomfort caused by using sanitary products.


Did you know? During menstruation, shifts in your intimate area’s pH level make you more susceptible to bacterial infection, itching, and unpleasant odor (yikes!). Luckily, our feminine wash is pH-balanced to maintain your intimate area’s natural flora, keeping it clean and healthy.


Our Natural Feminine Wash Protection for Red Days is free from SLS, SLES, parabens, triclosan, and other hazardous chemicals, so you can trust that your intimate area receives only the safest and gentlest care it needs. Infused with CoolCare Active, our feminine wash has a cooling sensation that will leave you feeling fresh and breezy.


Don’t let your red days get in the way of staying fresh and confident! Here are a few tips for that time of the month:

  • Use a pea-size amount of Natural Feminine Wash Protection for Red Days on your intimate area as often as needed during your menstrual period.
  • Battling period breakouts? Keep a bottle of our Acne Defense Solution Gel on hand to zap away unwanted zits.
  • Do some stretching and easy exercises to help reduce cramps.
  • Period cravings? Swap out sweet and salty foods for fresh fruits and veggies. Remember to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water!
  • After your period, you can switch back to our  Chamomile FreshChamomile Cool, and Powder Cool Feminine Wash for regular days.


Respect Your Body™ with Human Nature’s Natural Feminine Wash Protection for Red Days. You deserve nothing less.