Designer, mom and organic lifestyle advocate Hindy Weber-Tantoco on green living.

What made you shift to natural products and eco-living? 
I instinctively knew something was not quite right with the food and products we were consuming. When I had children, I did more research and that opened the floodgates. No turning back after that.

What are some of your eco-friendly practices at home? 
Most of the products we use are natural, toxin-free and/or organic. We also do composting. We try to approach everything wholistically: education, homemaking, music, art, health, food, medicine, business...It's beyond just being eco-friendly. The three major things we did were: we built an eco-conscious home out of the city, started an organic/biodynamic farm, and enrolled our children in a Waldorf school.

How can parents introduce a more natural lifestyle for their children
The parents have to believe in what they're doing. Children can sense when they're parents are uncertain. The transition will be easy if they know their parents believe in what they are doing and are steadfast. It doesn't even require a lot of explanation. So much of the products and ingredients in our homes can easily be changed without them even noticing.

Which Human Nature products do you use? I use everything! The Moisturizing and Strengthening Shampoo/Conditioner, Balancing Facial Wash, Facial Toner, Night Moisturizer, Cleansing Oil, Beauty Oil, Body Butter, Hand and Body Lotion, Feminine Wash, Hand Sanitizer, Kids products, Lipbalm, Blush, and Lipstick.

We love...Hindy’s tips for eco-friendly children

  • Unplug the TV, get them out of the mall and into the outdoors
  • Favorite treats should not be suddenly removed but replaced with an equally yummy but healthier alternative