Celebrate peace, art, culture, and nature at the Summer Peace Festival 2013!

Celebrate peace, art, culture, and nature at the Summer Peace Festival 2013!

Peace has remained elusive in Mindanao. For decades, despite repeated appeals and numerous efforts to bring peace to the region, many people still view it as a hotbed of conflict.

This year, a group of young individuals with roots in Mindanao banded together once more to transform the common mindset about the South.

From April 26 to May 1, Cagayan de Oro and Zamboanga City will host two events, dubbed collectively Summer Peace Festival 2013 (SPF13) to bring together local tradition and contemporary art in the name of peace, celebration of Mindanao's diverse culture and people, and harmony with nature and the environment. This summer, Human Nature partners with SPF13 in the vision of bringing a radical change of perception about Mindanao and safeguarding its beauty and natural resources for future generations.

The SPF13 hopes to promote peace among men, peace between man and nature, and peace with oneself.


The festival encourages participants to look beyond race, religion, social status and other labels that may divide them.


Only 3% of the country’s original forest cover remains. This year, SPF13 focuses on rehabilitating parts of Mt. Kitanglad, which provides 90 percent of the drinking water in Mindanao.


Without inner peace, it is difficult for people to spread peace in their families and communities. SPF13 tackles ways to achieve that through activities designed to bring inner calmness and raise creativity and compassion.

This epic summer festival also offers tons of enjoyment through various advocacy-centered activities:

  • Music: Selected musicians will perform their hearts out as they support the advocacy. The artists were chosen for their skills, talent, and diversity.
  • Art: Installations and artworks from local artists will decorate the festival.
  • Eco-tourism: SPF13 tied up with partners in Cagayan de Oro and Zamboanga who who respect the environment and practice sustainable tourism.
  • Children's activities: SPF13 wants to reintroduce the young ones to the outdoors and traditional games and spark their love for the environment.
  • Workshops and seminars on art, music and nature: Flow workshops, drumming, poi, etc. meant to get your own creative juices flowing. When intent is balanced with fun, learning becomes pure joy. A lot of this year's contributors come from Cagayan de Oro.
  • Community: When this much talent and creativity is brought into one place, the exchange of ideas and creativity flows. Entrepreneurs will also put up stalls that showcase healthy food, art, ideas and merchandise with a heart.

Visit SPF13's official website to learn more about the festival!

For tickets, please inquire through (0932) 715-9937. You may also email them, visit their Facebook page, or tweet them at their official Twitter page!