Hidden Dangers in Your Makeup Kit
by Reby Baldoz

Prep time. You put on a little powder, do a quick swirl with the blush and swipe on that lipstick to finish the look. But did you know that you may already have put yourself in danger?

Don't get me wrong. We're not here to steer you completely away from makeup. In fact, makeup is a wonderful thing! But beneath the beautiful package, there are dangers from chemicals found in conventional makeup.

Face and Eyes. Pressed and loose powder can contain harmful ingredients such as talc, parabens and nano particles. According to studies done by the Cancer Prevention Coalition in the University of Illinois, talc is closely associated with asbestos and lung cancer due to frequent inhalation. Because talc particles are so tiny, they easily enter the lungs and cause inflammatory reaction causing pneumonia, lung disease or cancer. More acknowledgement of talc's dangers emerged, even from the cosmetics industry.

Parabens are the most common preservatives in cosmetic products because they are cheap and effective in stopping microbial growth. However, they are known to act as environmental estrogens that can wreak havoc in our reproductive system. In 2004, aBritish study by Dr. P. Darbe and his colleagues found high levels of parabens in human breast cancer tumours.

Nano particles also have similar effects. They are VERY TINY particles that are 1/5,000th the thickness of a sheet of paper and are used in cosmetics to help achieve that glide over the skin to produce that smooth, glow-like finish.

Lips. Most conventional lipsticks contain 2 ingredients that we must avoid - lead and mineral oil.

According to Dr. Sean Palfrey of Boston University, lead is a proven neurotoxin that mostly affects pregnant women and young children and can cause learning, language and behavioural problems such as lowered IQ, reduced school performance and increased aggression. Lead builds up in the body and continuous use can add up to significant levels.

Mineral oil, on the other hand, comes from crude oil - much like the gasoline that you put in your car. It has been linked to allergies and has been known to age the skin pre-maturely.

So when you're out shopping for make-up, READ THE LABEL! Remember, some mineral make-up still contain many harmful ingredients and the only way to be sure is to read up and know what to avoid.