Cover girl Patty Ortega is not only one of our dealers, she also inspires us with her love for nature. 

What made you shift to natural beauty products? 
I am more at peace knowing that the products I use are safe. They lessen the possibility of allergic reactions, especially since my skin is sensitive. They're directly sourced from Mother Nature, so it means gentle and natural care, plus added nutrients! 

What are some of your eco-friendly daily practices? 
We visit a lot of eco markets and I love to see new eco products. We collect plastic containers for recycling, collect plastic bags from the supermarket and use them as trash bags, and bring our own bags for grocery shopping. We plant our own herbs such as basil, mint, curry, chili, and rosemary so we always have fresh herbs whenever we need them. We also make our own bread, yogurt, and now my husband's getting his hands into germinating his own edible mushrooms. 

Where do you go to experience nature? 
Batangas and Puerto Galera. We have secret places here, our "escapes to paradise". Once during Holy Week when there are thousands of people on the beach, we had our own cove where we would sleep on the beach. The warm rays of the sun would wake us up in the morning.

What are your eco-inspirations? Puerto Princesa in Palawan is my aspirational city. Eco-living is taught in schools. Even children have already learned the value of taking care of the environment. The citizens are disciplined and even common people or the "masa" abide by the laws. That's what you call changing perceptions—a difficult task but they’ve proven it can be done.

Patty's Picks:

  • Eucalyptus Shaving Oil
    “The best product I’ve tried! No more nicks and cuts. Shaving has been hassle-free since I started using this. I absolutely recommend it.”
  • Bug Spray
    “The cheapest, most effective organic insect repellent in the market.” 
    [Editor's note - try our new Bug Shield Patty! It's even more affordable!]
  • Hair Mask
    “I use it as an everyday leave-on conditioner. It smells really good.”