Read on as we unveil the true "magic" behind optical brighteners and how they're harming our environment!

Read on as we unveil the true "magic" behind optical brighteners and how they're harming our environment!

Let's face it: whether we like it or not, clothes tend to yellow over time. And since no one likes wearing old yellow clothes, most big brand laundry detergents found ways to provide you with the brightest and whitest clothes. How? By using optical brighteners.

*POOF!* The dirty truth about optical brighteners!

Optical Brighteners: Now You See It, Now You Don't. Don't Blink Now!

What exactly are they and how do they work? Optical brighteners - which may be known by other names such as brightening agents, fluorescent bleaches, optical whiteners, fluorescent brighteners, or fluorescent whiteners - are chemical agents that work by absorbing ultraviolet light and turning it into visible blue light. It then masks any yellowing of your clothes that occur over time tricking your eyes into thinking that your clothes are whiter than they actually are.

It doesn't stop there, though, because for these optical brighteners to work and take full effect, they have to stick to your clothing, which is what they were designed to do. Yup, you read it right - these bad boys were made to bind themselves onto the fabrics and remain there even after you've rinsed them.

Too Cool for Magic School? Let's Go Down the Hallway to Health Class.

Okay, so for those of you who can't get enough of that "insta-white" effect, you're probably thinking, "So the optical brighteners are doing their job. What's wrong with that?" Think about it, the chemical residue that's left on your clothes are in contact with your skin all day. And just like what we've always said, 60% of what gets ON your skin, goes INTO it. This can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation to those who have sensitive skin and it affects aquatic life too as optical brighteners can accumulate (they're non-biodegradable pollutants) in the environment and become toxic. Poor Nemo.

Get clean clothes with a clear conscience
Get clean clothes with a clear conscience

A Safer Alternative to Optical Brighteners

So skip those laundry detergents that contain optical brighteners and go for our Tough Love 100% Natural Liquid Detergent and Tough Love 100% Natural Powder Detergent. They will definitely keep your family cloaked in clean clothes with a clear conscience.