Save where it counts the most with Tough Love by Human Nature!

Save where it counts the most with Tough Love by Human Nature!

Tough Love
Save where it counts the most with Tough Love by Human Nature!

Happy Earth Day, eco-loving bayanis! They say home is where the heart is - so what better way to open your heart by showing your love for our home? Read more to learn about how our Tough Love detergent and dishwashing liquid can get your home clean the green way - all while saving you time, saving our seas, and ultimately saving you money!

Perhaps P.J. O'Rourke had a point when he said, “Everybody wants to save the Earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.” These days, we’re lucky enough to have so many convenient ways to save the planet right at our fingertips. Even ordinary chores like doing laundry or dishes can have a cumulative impact in saving the Earth.

We created Tough Love 100% Natural Liquid Detergent, 100% Natural Powder Detergent, and Natural Dishwashing Liquid with absolutely no harmful or toxic chemicals because we want to save more than the Earth - we also want to save you time so that you have more to spend with your family, while saving you money in the long run.


  • Save time: Less rinse minutes, fab con free

Tough Love Natural Detergent has 100% plant-based foaming and cleansing properties, requiring less water usage during the rinse cycle, cutting down on your rinsing time.

Fabric conditioners are often used in the final rinse to soften clothes that are left rough by whiteners and optical brighteners in chemical detergents.

Tough Love contains zero harsh chemicals, so say goodbye to the extra rinse cycle!




  • Save the Seas: Navigating the water cycle

Did you know that the average washing machine is the second largest water consumer in your home, using about 41 gallons of water per load?*

That means your commercial chemical detergent flushes floods of toxic chemicals every laundry day!

You can help spare our sea life from toxins by choosing natural home care products that are kind to the Earth.




  • Save Money: More value for money

We’ve included a handy measuring and how-to guide on our Tough Love packaging so that you can get the best value for your money, from washing ‘til rinsing. A little goes a long way and you’ll be amazed at just how tough our love can be!

With a bigger bang for their buck, budget conscious households can rejoice with their monthly savings. Tough Love has been found to:

-Reduce water consumption per medium load by 1/3
-Lessening your electricity expenses**
-Save on the cost of fabric conditioner
(That’s enough to buy a few extra bags of groceries every month!)

So do you want to save the world? You could start simple by helping mom do the dishes – the right way! 


**Versus non-natural brands, based on hourly consumption computation from