Nothing’s more fulfilling than seeing the smile on someone’s face after doing something good for them.

This is exactly what Human Nature’s team of merchandisers in Cebu had in mind when they thought about holding their own feeding program for children, with a theme as jolly and playful as the kids who were blessed by their kindness–“Kosing Gawlu with the Kids” (Singkong Lugaw with the Kids).

A Spark that Began with A Smile

Deeply moved after participating in one of Human Nature’s company advocacies Breakfast for Neighbors at the flagship branch in Quezon City, a spark started in the hearts of our Cebu merchandisers. There’s just something about seeing the smiles on the faces of those they helped that made them want to keep passing the joy forward.

Kosing Gawlu with the Kids

Keeping their own limited budget in mind, the team chose to prepare congee or lugaw for children. Everything was prepped and cooked by the teammates; from gathering ingredients themselves, borrowing pots and ladles to cooking the food, they took charge of the entire process and made sure everything was set. Each humble bowl of congee was ultimately cooked with love and by God’s grace, everything went smoothly.

They held the feeding activity at the Gawad Kalinga community of Barangay Lorega in Cebu. The children were absolutely delighted by the congee, and the smiles on the kids’ little faces put on by them made all their efforts worthwhile.

From Leaps of Faith to Finding Courage

Initially, doubts ran in their heads: “would the kids like it?” “Would our efforts be appreciated?” “Would we fail?” But as the saying goes, “you never know unless you try”–and try they did. Everything turned out well in the end, and it was because of Human Nature that they found the courage to undertake such a meaningful advocacy.

Reflecting and looking back on the event fills the team’s hearts with happiness. It is in sharing their blessings that they find true fulfillment, and they don’t plan on stopping.

When asked about their future plans for another team-led advocacy, Cebu Merchandiser Manly Carlos said that they already have another one scheduled. It’s called “Sugod Classroom”, where they plan to extend their efforts further.

It’s activities like these that bring joy to and help enrich the lives of others, but it’s the ones who conduct these activities are the true winners–the people who help are those who benefit the most, and the Cebu team knew that very well.